A few weeks ago I decided to cut some body fat. I cut out nighttime carbohydrates (with a few exceptions) and started circuit training. I lost 5 pounds in two weeks.
Once I could see my abs again, I decided to start adding more mass. I have been eating more and lifting heavier for a week now, and as of this morning I have gained only one pound!
Total downer.
Most people do not want to hear about how I have a hard time gaining weight. I have been told how lucky I am for this wonderful blessing and been told I have good genes blah blah blah. When I have to to listen to that kind of crap, I want to give a big thumbs down and make one of those fart noises by sticking my tongue against my lower lip and expelling air (and hopefully a little spit).
I've been skinny fat, and it sucks. Imagine you are skinny and have zero strength. Unlike a regular fat person (who builds muscle by hauling around extra weight all day, every day), the skinny fat person has nothing but skin, fat and bones held together by the rotator cuff or some other small muscle group.
The point is I will never be skinny fat again. More importantly, I will never feel weak again.I am frestrated because things are not progressing as fast as I would like.
I wish I had some awesome insight to this, but all I can say is that it sucks to be working hard and not get results as fast as I want them. I am still up 8-10 pounds, so that is good.
That's what's up. I have to go eat now.