What do I like about Paleo Magazine? Here's a list:
- Citations after every article. This is not some dumbed-down word-vomit written by some bored-with-life writer who knows next to nothing about trying to live a fitness lifestyle. I can tell that each PM writer is coming from a personal place, and not compiling a haphazardly thrown together crapshoot of "expert's recommendations" that are 20 years out of date. This is the real deal, and if you don't believe it, you can look at the studies. They are right there in your face - Boom!
- Positivity. In the article Paleo is a Practice (Paleo Magazine February/March 2013), Adam Farrah lets the reader know that giving yourself slack in not only OK, it is good for you. When it comes to dealing with setbacks and bumps in the road Farrah asks these questions, "Are you an encouraging coach or a relentless bully? Are you living in the present or are you stuck resenting and replaying the past? Are you reliving your mistakes over and over in your head?" I get stuck doing that sometimes, and it never gets me anywhere! Very refreshing to read an article on a topic like that written by a man and it not come across as a total wuss-fest.
- Shopping resources and pantry lists. Complete with website info to find out where to get things, tips and tricks and things to watch out for. Very helpful.
- I just checked out the Paleo Magazine website, which is very cool despite not being completely finished (when opened, the community tab says something like "coming soon"). Big deal - I can live without want ads for kombucha cultures for a little while longer. There are lifestyle and recipe tabs that more than make up for the lack of a paleo craigslist or whatever that means.
My favorite thing about the website is this cool quadrupedal movement video workout. I love stuff like this! Check it out: http://paleomagonline.com/learning-to-crawl/
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