If you have read even just a few paragraphs of anything I have written, you will already know what a big fat nerd I am. If you didn't, well I guess you just found out.
What can I say? I love health and fitness. There's nothing quite like expanding your mind while on the internerd, although it's really tempting to get sucked into social media purgatory. Here are a few of my favorite health, nutrition and fitness websites. Enjoy.
http://www.chriskresser.com - Chris Kresser is an accupunturist and functional medicine practitioner. He is also an author, and writes this cool blog.
http://www.marksdailyapple.com - Mark Sisson is the sinewy blond genius who wrote The Primal Blueprint. He also write this bad-ass blog, which links to an interactive message board.
http://www.theeatingacademy.com - Peter Attia was insulin resistant. He was also a doctor, and didn't like the way insulin resistance usually goes for patients. So he decided to cure himself. Now he writes this awesome blog, does public speaking, and more. Smart guy. Still a doctor.
http://www.precisionnutrition.com - Practical, well-thought out information written in a down-to-earth style.
http://drhyman.com - this guy is a brain on wheels. Too bad every doctor is not just like this guy!
http://robbwolf.com - Author of The Paleo Solution. Covers nutrition to exercise and more.
http://www.katysays.com - an awesome blog about mindful movement.
http://ericbeard.com - infrequently updated (kind of like my blog), but valuable nonetheless.
http://www.yeahdave.com/one-one-one/ - pure, unabashed positive energy.
http://healthylivinghowto.com - One very smart and practical approach to the holistic lifestyle.
https://www.grassfedgirl.com - great recipes for the paleo and anti-inflammatory eater.
http://wellnessmama.com - all kinds of great stuff from this granola-hippie internet guru.
http://lifetime-weightloss.com/blog/ - Everthing from nutrition to exercise and more. Articles are short and don't take long to read at all.
http://experiencelife.com - One of the most awesome health magazines I have ever read. No kidding. All the articles are up on the website, free to peruse and share.
http://paleomagazine.com/ - Although most of the site is subscribers-only access, they always have a few great freebies. Great magazine, too.
Till next time! Namaste.