Sunday, December 29, 2019

MTFHR Genetic Mutation and Methylation

If you’re like most of my clients, you might ask - what the f is methylation and why should I care? So glad you asked :-P

Methylation is the transfer of four atoms - one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms (CH3) – from one substance to another. In this case, think about vitamins being handed off in the body so they can do their job.

Methylation allows various systems to work in the body, including the neurological, cardiovascular and detoxification systems. Basically, it helps each system in your body do its best to keep you healthy, lean and feeling amazeballs all the time.

When methylation isn’t working properly, it’s hard for you to feel good, live your best life and get the results you want. 
Think about it kind of like a light switch in your body that, when you turn it on, allows your body to work the way it’s supposed to. But when it’s off, we can really have some problems.

During methylation, a universal ingredient called SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) donates its methyl group to the process. The system that makes SAMe in the body requires an essential B-vitamin, 5-MTFH, in order to produce SAMe. Over 60% of the US population has a genetic mutation that makes it hard to make enough 5-MTFH, which makes it hard to make SAMe, which in turn makes it hard to methylate.

I should add that SAMe also helps with liver detoxification and its abundance (or lack of it) can determine whether you feel like a million bucks or a wet sack of excrement. Taking methylated vitamins can help free up SAMe for other things in the body.
Taking supplemental SAMe can be a really beneficial thing to do. One of my dogs takes it to support her liver health, and I have clients, friends and family who take it as well. It really makes a difference, and most people report feeling a little bit calmer and less anxious when they are taking their SAMe.

Folic Acid must be converted to to 5-MTFH for the body to use it, and the genetic mutation we just talked about makes it almost impossible to convert. So 60% of people essentailly can't turn folic acid into folate, or use it at all. Those synthetic vitamins end up just hanging out in our bodies, throwing off lab results and masking nutrient deficiencies. because nutrigenomics is such a new study, most medical and nutrition practitioners won’t know why this is happening or how to address it. 
Synthetic vitamins don’t address this problem either, because the profitability is so high in the nutrition supplement business. So manufacturers continue to make a subpar product for consumers, who continue to buy it. Another result of this is clinical studies about the efficacy of vitamin use, whose data is thrown off by not controlling for synthetics vs. non-synthetics. Basically, if you supplement with a fake vitamin, the results will show no benefit to using vitamins.

Here’s another way to think about it. Imagine that you shrink-wrapped your food and ate it whole, without chewing. Nothing would be absorbed, but your body might think it’s not hungry while you are quite literally starving. that’s what it’s like.

Synthetic vitamins are not just a waste of money, but potentially dangerous to our long-term health. Vitamin companies like to use synthetics, because they cost less to produce and the profit margins are higher on the end product. In the US, supplements aren't regulated, which sucks, but that's the reality.

so buyer, beware. In the meantime, do everything you can possibly do to support your body's ability to methylate.

Here's a place to start:

  • Look for the words "methyl" or "folate" under the listing for folic acid on your multivitamins. If you see it listed as folic acid, and without the work methyl, steer clear.
  • Be aware of the difference between cyancobalamin (synthetic B-12) and methylcobalamin (natural B-12). It shoudl be listed on the bottle or packaging. If it's not labeled as methylcobalamin, it's probably synthetic. 
  • Get a genetic test. I got mine from Once you get the results back, you can run them through a database like to get some extra insight. 
  • Consider supplemental SAMe. You can find it a few different places now. Reach out if you'd like some help choosing a brand. 
  • When choosing a multivitamin, Try to get an AM/PM formulation in a gel capsule, if you need help, please reach out to me.