There are 3 types of age:
- Chronological age
- Since time is linear, this doesn't change and there is nothing we can do about it.
- this is independent of variables. "It is what it is," as the old people say.
- Physiological age
- Change in physiological processes
- Dependent on lifestyle and behavioral choices
- Relative Age
- Extent to which you are experiencing physiological changes relative to other people the same age.
You can be an 80-year-old in a 20-year old's body. You could also look and feel years younger than your chronological age. It all depends on a few things.
Keeping a positive attitude, continuing to learn and grow as you get older will also keep you younger for longer. Forgiveness, acceptance and self-love are crucial to keeping a positive attitude. Consider a gratitude practice to keep yourself in check. You don't want to be yelling at kids to get off your lawn one day, do ya?
Moving your body frequently and well is key to mobility and vitality. Step 1 is to get moving. Step 2 is to make sure you have high-quality movement in your life, using proper form when lifting, running, stretching, etc. If you don't know something, get answers (and possibly training sessions) from a fitness professional!
Healthy aging is not about living like a glass doll rolled in bubble wrap. It's about balance. For every hard workout or night of hard partying, do a recovery activity like getting a massage, sauna, cryotherapy, breathing exercises and other activities to turn down the stress response in the body. Acupuncture, regular chiropractic care, reiki, yoga and Pilates are some great places to start.
Sometimes recovery can be taking a walk with loved ones, spending time with friends, reading, or laughing at a funny movie. Just take time to unplug.
Put Effort In
Making sure you don't look homeless goes a long way toward helping you feel younger. When you feel good about yourself, you are less likely to be a grumpy old fart. It's just logic. You don't have to be a fashion icon, you just have to show yourself enough respect to look nice, whatever your style - from preppy to punk rock, as long as you try to look dope, you're going to feel dope. And feeling dope is feeling young.
Want to find out what your composite age is? The best way to know how is to do a consultation with me. I'll ask you a bunch of questions and then tell you how old or young I think you are. It's fun! Hit me up ...