Although drinking your calories is not ideal, sometimes you have to be human and do it anyway. If it came down to a decision of what to have for dessert, this hot chocolate is a wise choice for those of us trying to fit down any chimneys on Christmas eve.
So skip the chocolate chip cookies and just leave the jolly old guy this tasty beverage, to keep him dropping off goodies for years to come.
Here is a recipe for hot cocoa that I use. It is so good you will want to slap the Swiss Miss in her smug face!
2 cups nonfat milk
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 tablespoon agave nectar
1 packet stevia powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (more if you want that boozy feeling)
Whisk all the ingredients together and heat to 170 f on the stovetop, stirring regularly so scum doesn't form on the top.
Makes 2 servings.
140 calories.
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