I love going to estate sales and satisfying my morbid obsession with peeking into other peoples' lives. the place I like to head when I get to an estate sale is the tool shed or garage. after that I head immediately for the records. There is nothing like going through someone's record collection and finding out if they are a sad bastard with a tear in my beer, into show tunes and jazz hands, addicted to shaking their ass to anything with a beat, angry at the world, secretly (or not so secretly) into Kelly Clarkson, the list of possibilities is endless.
You get the idea.
Now you are about to hear some of what I like to listen to. Sometimes the music we work out to isn't the stuff we listen to at other times, but sometimes it is. Sometimes it is really lame music.
I have to admit a Lady Gaga song got stuck in my head. It was like a gay bar DJ had taken over the radio station in my head and left the song on repeat while he left to get another blueberry mojito and do a line off a drag queen's somewhat recently shaved caboose in the bathroom.
So my wife and I share I-tunes because we like a lot of the same stuff. She also likes some very womany music, and although I might never mean for it to happen, I listen to some of her playlists while running. This is for a couple of reasons. The First is that I am lazy and can't seem to make more than one playlist per season. Second, she seems to constantly be making new playlists, thus contributing to my own sluggishness on that tip.
Sometimes something so girly will come on (like female rapper Peaches) that I will need to change it. But I don't. Because it has a constant rythm, good beats and lyrics that are so raunchy that I have to look around to make sure no one can hear what is coming out of the tiny i-pod earbuds that are drowning in a moat of sweat from my ear canal.
And then there are the Black Eyed Peas. So vanilla and safe, yet with that constant beat that is great for cardio.
The best thing I have found for cardio is Girl Talk. Girl talk is a DJ who does insane mash-ups of different genres. He does a Black Sabbath guitar riff with a Ludacris vocal track and it works! Another one is a conglomeration of Beastie Boys, Iggy Pop, and Lady Gaga (looks like she got stuck in someone else's head). Another example is the Ramones with Missy Elliott! One mash-up flows into another into another so seamlessly that you have just completed your first marathon when you realize you were just going to get on the treadmill for a few minutes before you had to go work. So you call in and go buy yourself some icy-hot, because you're a winner.
So these are some of my cardio guilty pleasures. When I lift weights I need something more manly, like the Misfits, GG Allin or Minor Threat. Because I am still a man, despite the occasioal listening to girly cardio music and that close call when Lady Gaga invaded my brain that one time. Don't judge me.
What is your favorite workout music? Any guilty pleasures? Write it in the comment box. I want to know!
When I run I like to listen to very airy ambient music and dreamy stuff like team sleep or certain smashing pumpkins or Russian circles when I lift I like to listen to more aggressive stuff actually stuff more heavy than I usually do like metal and hardcore