Friday, February 26, 2016

Top 10 grocery staples

People ask me all the time, "what do YOU get at the grocery store?" As though I buy secret trainers-only food they don't know about. 

The other day, I read an article about how to make your blog more effective. The article said listicles are a hot thing for blogs to do, although the word itself sounds kind of like balls at the bottom of a list.

So here it is, my list - with balls:

My Top 10 Grocery Store Picks


1.       Brazil nuts – high in fiber, healthy fats and Selenium (which supports thyroid function).

2.       Hemp hearts – high in protein and and Omega-3 fatty acids.

3.       Flax milk or coconut milk – I keep several half-gallon containers in my fridge at all times. I mostly use it as a base in my protein smoothies or in Chia pudding (see below).

4.       Avocado – a versatile ingredient in everything from soups and salads to puddings. Full of healthy fats and flavor.

5.       Traditional Medicinals Pau D’Arco tea – Pau d’Arco (pron. pow-DARKo) is a South American herb that has been shown to have digestive and liver support benefits.

6.       Arugula – a dark, leafy green that can be used raw, cooked or in smoothies.

7.       Hummus – a blend of tahini, chickpeas, lemon juice and olive oil and a great replacement for unhealthy dips.

8.       Organic celery – dip celery sticks in hummus or Sun Butter for a snack.

9.       Reed’s Cabernet Grape Kombucha – a fizzy probiotic beverage made by fermenting sweetened green tea. It has detoxifying compounds in it, and can be useful for my clients who need to kick a soda habit.

10.   Chia seeds – Used by Mayans as early as 3500 BC. The word Chia actually means strength, because the Mayan diet consisted primarily of chia. Chia seeds deliver a massive amount of nutrients in each serving.

Here are 2 recipes that use some of my favorite ingredients.

Chia pudding

·         ½ cup almond, coconut or flax milk

·         1/8 cup chia seeds

·         8 drops liquid stevia

Mix all ingredients together and let chill in fridge overnight. Top with a palmful of fresh fruit, sprinkle with hemp hearts and enjoy.

Avocado Pudding

·         2 avocados

·         6-8 T cocoa powder

·         4 T sun butter

·         2 T coconut butter

·         2 T xylitol

·         15 drops liquid stevia

·         Cacao nibs to taste

Throw in the cuisinart for a minute, then the freezer for about 15. Try not to slap anyone when you taste how good it is. 

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