Today is Halloween, which unless you have been living on another planet, means the beginning of the holiday season.
I was in Target this week (or maybe it was last week) and I saw they had some Chrismas stuff there. It was like one aisle in the seasonal section, waiting in the wings for Halloween to be over so Chrismas could explode all over the place like some kind of tinsel-covered LED-bedazzled pinata.
Every year it becomes more obvious as retailers piggyback one holiday on another one. My favorite is the Valentines candy being put in place of the Christmas schwag as soon as it has been clearanced out the door. Six weeks ahead of what is not even a paid holiday.
Which gets me to thinking about how holidays seem to come one after the other after the other. It seems like every one is more of a cause for celebration than the next, and in the U.S., that means food that is terrible for you. A typical Thanksgiving dinner has over 5,000 calories.
This holiday season I have made up my mind to indulge moderately. What does that mean?
In the past I have told people I am diabetic to avoid having to eat a piece of their birthday cake. Or I might say I don't like sweets. Or have a gluten allergy. Or I'm vegan, so caramel is off limits. Sometimes it is easier than saying, "I think your food is crap."
I have one rule. I don't eat empty calories unless they are delicious. Would I rather have a plate full of some gross Kroger-bakery pecan pie or would I rather wait and eat something I actually want at a later time. Make the choice.
Same thing goes for candy. I like Nerds a lot. I ate some today. They were delicious and it is Halloween.
Eat what you like moderately and don't eat what you don't really want. Ask yourself questions like "Why am I putting this on my plate and how is it going to fuel my body?"
Keep in mind there are plenty of healthy options for the holidays. But above all, don't leave your nutrition up to chance. Know what you are eating - ask questions about it before you eat those fried mashed potato balls with Jack Daniels' glaze.
One thing I like to do is spoil my appetite before I go over to someone else's house for dinner. That way I make sure to get the protien I need just in case I walk into a carb-fest.
Remember it is all about avoiding the wrong kinds of foods. Check out this website:
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