Sunday, October 17, 2010

Treat yourself - don't cheat yourself

It's October, and you know what that means - ice cream.

You may be in another climate right now curling up around a nice warm mug of spiced cider and watching the aspen leaves change color and fall onto the pile of kindling you have just chopped in the crisp autumn air.

Where I live it was 80 degrees today. The leaves still change color, fall off the trees and need to be raked. I live in a place where we take a break from raking the leaves for ice cream, not a hot-as-balls cup of apple juice.

Ice cream sounds pretty delicious until I remember how ice cream makes it hard to look totally ripped. And if there is one thing I love more than ice cream, it is being shredded. Gone are the days of my diet of calzones, beer and ice cream. My skinny-fat-dude beer belly is gone, too, and that is awesome.

But that doesn't solve the problem I face when doing my fall yard work in the Memphis heat.
By chance we discovered Arctic Zero. We were looking through the frozen tasty treats section at whole foods looking for a magical low-fat, low-carb fix.

Arctic Zero is kind of amazing stuff. Less than 150 calories in the entire pint! 34 Calories per serving. ZERO grams fat. 10 grams carbohydrates. 5 grams protein.
It is made with water, Whey protein concentrate, organic cane sugar, chicory root, guar and xantham gums, sea salt, and monk fruit concentrate, plus  natural flavor. If you are trying to eat clean, you are clear for takeoff.

The first flavor you should try is the vanilla or vanilla maple. Other flavors seem to come out every day. Chocolate, chocolate peanut butter, strawberry banana, pumpkin spice, mint chocolate cookie - to name a few. Today I had the cookies and cream flavor, which my wife blended into milkshakes that tasted as decadent as the tears of baby harp seals.

The texture can be a little gelatinous when runny because of the high protein content and absence of fat. Thus the milkshake idea.

Another idea is making floats with Zevia brand soft drinks. They are a naturally sweetened zero-calorie carbonated beverage. Flavors include: Cola, Dr. Zevia, ginger root beer, orange and black cherry. I prefer orange with vanilla Arctic Zero. It tastes like an orange cream-sicle.

Both these sites will tell you where to find them in your area. If you live in Memphis, that would be Whole Foods.

Try this recipe and then slap your mother right in the face:
  • 1 pint Arctic Zero cookies and cream flavor.
  • 1 cup non-fat milk
  • 1 scoop (28 grams) Muscle Feast chocolate whey protein
  • Blend until it is ready
Serves 2

Calories 165 • Fat 0 grams • Carbohydrates 17.5 grams • Protein 21.5 grams

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