Friday, July 1, 2011

Awesome grocery store finds

Here is some cool stuff you can find at the grocery store and how to use it.

Buchi brand kombucha  (Fire flavor)- find it in the cold case at Whole Foods. Brewed with ginger and cayenne it is the most delicious kombucha I have tasted yet. Apparently two hippie ladies is Ashville, NC make it and in my opinion have mastered the craft. There is another flavor, Limited Edition or something like that, but it tastes a litle venegar-y. Stick to the spicy flavors, granola faces!
You can use kombucha as a tasty beverage. In fact, if you use it in some other way, you might not want to tell anyone about that. A few weeks ago a man started talking to me about having a coffee enema. It was weird. I kept trying to change the subject, but it was like a train wreck and there was nothing I could do.
Some people say it (kombucha, not the coffee enema) has a weight loss benefit when consumed before or during a meal. The main reason to use it is to restore balance to the digestive system, the same way you might use yogurt.

Anywhoo, here's some other stuff that is perhaps a bit underrated:

Sweet potatoes
Shiitake mushrooms
Goat cheese
Coconut oil - I just found out about a coconut oil spray but have not used it.

I realize this looks like a grocery list because that's kind of what it is. Put some of these items on yours.

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