Friday, May 27, 2016

Chapati-style flatbread - gluten-free, AIP and tasty


Even if you don't give a Donald Trump about AIP, or think gluten-free stuff is all smoke and mirrors, you'll want to check this tasty recipe out. It's super easy, too.

I first found this recipe online, but it has since been taken down, which is a shame. So I decided that it needs to go on my blog. It's super versatile; you can make it into pancakes by thinning the batter with water, or just use it like flatbread. If you change the ratio of coconut flour to arrowroot, you can make a fluffy coconut flatbread.
From what I understand from an Indian nutrition coaching client of mine, chapati is a glutinous, chewy bread that is used to pick up dishes like daal and various curries and kormas. India is a fascinating place. Every chance I get, I try to learn about the culture that originated yoga, Krishna and korma.

Ingredients - this is what you need per chapati, so I hope you like to do math
-1 tbsp coconut flour
-2 tbsp arrowroot starch
-1/4 cup coconut milk (from the can)
-pinch salt
-1 tbsp. coconut oil

1. Heat a sauté pan on medium.
2. Mix everything up in a food processor.
3. Melt coconut oil in the pan
4. Add chapati mix, spreading it out as you put it in the pan. Flip after a few minutes. You should see bubbles or small changes in texture that will tell you when it's time.

If you already pay attention to how you fuel your body, this next part might seem silly to you, but I'm going to say it anyway.

I use this recipe for pancakes a lot. If you do this, avoid using syrup and opt to heat some frozen fruit to put on top instead. Also, be sure to eat them alongside a good source of protein. And lastly, be sure to wipe your butt after you poop!


  1. Hi, Great information! Would you please consider sharing my link to your readers? Please email me back at haileyxhailey


  2. I believe that this is the original recipe online.... It's from my blog "Adventures in Partaking." I would appreciate a link to the original recipe in your post. Thank you.

  3. Superb post about "Chapati-style flatbread - gluten-free, AIP and tasty"

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